Asset Type: Whitepaper

Oracle Cloud Native SCCA Landing Zone

The Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) aims to provide a scalable and…

TechAdmin TechAdmin

Cloud: The Destination for Innovation

The rapid changes in today’s business landscape are undeniable. We are living…

TechAdmin TechAdmin

DZone: Application Security Trends

Just as Vivaldi crafted each movement to contribute to the overall narrative,…

TechAdmin TechAdmin

Cloud Compliance in 2023 – An In-Depth Guide

Summary: This white paper helps answer the following questions: Why is compliance…

TechAdmin TechAdmin

Losing Top Talent? It’s Time to Reimagine Your Employee Value Proposition

One of the greatest business challenges of our time is how to…

Conal Cram Conal Cram

Modernizing Data Protection in a Hybrid World for Financial Services

PeerPaper™ Report 2022 Financial services firms need to balance strict security and…

Conal Cram Conal Cram

Cybercrime Trends 2023

Attackers are always innovating, and technology keeps democratizing cybercrime. More than ever,…

TechAdmin TechAdmin